Dear Companions on the Journey,

Happy Easter! I hope your Holy Week and Easter were filled with the blessing of God’s presence. I write this while on retreat this Easter Week. My retreat time is primarily focused by reading and reflecting upon the Biblical call stories of Hagar, Moses, and Jonah. This time is shared with good friends and colleagues. We know each other well enough to have real conversations about our hopes and struggles as baptized people who happened to be spiritual leaders. We also offer each other encouragement and insight as we hear unique ways God’s Spirit leads each of us. In many ways during this week of retreat, study, prayer, and reflection we are a Faith Group.

I hope and pray that every Episcopalian will be in a Faith Group. This practice is usually characterized by 6 – 12 people covenanting to meet regularly to talk about faith. Faith groups usually meet weekly or monthly during the school year or a specific number of months. These groups are more than a place for friends and fellowship. They are primarily a place to deepen faith by talking about one’s own spiritual life, growing in the ability to listen for the ways God is working in the lives of others, and praying for and with each other.

Ironically, the Faith Group model has become a popular mechanism for profit making businesses. There are several companies, fitness organizations, and social clubs that offer small groups experiences for a fee. In other words, they charge a fee for people to be part of a caring and supportive group. As Ruth Graham said in an article, “these companies have figured out how to do church without God.” Even so, Christians have been gathering in Faith Groups for more than 2000 years, yielding a priceless profit of faithfulness.

As the celebration of Easter continues it is time to look for new practices. This one will support you in the lifelong journey of growing more deeply into faith. Learn more from the materials on the diocesan website. Attend an information session when offered. If you need help getting started, Canon Margo Peckham Clark and Cynthia McChesney, Missioner for Stewardship and Legacy Giving, are happy to provide support.

Know this too, my daily prayer is for God’s transformative presence to shape the faith of every person in our diocese. You are in my prayers. You are in God’s sight.

Easter Blessings,
Bishop Hughes