Safe Church, Safe Communities Training

Safe Church training is grounded in our call to seek and serve Christ in all persons and respect the dignity of every human being. We are called to receive, nurture and treasure each person as a gift from God. As a diocese with congregations, schools, programs and many activities, we are called to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our children, youth and adults to learn and grow in the love of Jesus Christ. To that end, we are committed to making every effort to keep our people safe.
Our canons specifically identify training needed regarding prevention of sexual misconduct against both children and adults as well as training in identification, reporting, and prevention of child abuse. We have several programs available to educate and raise awareness on these topics. All of these resources are available free of charge to all congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Newark.
This material has been significantly updated by the Episcopal Church and was formerly called Safeguarding God’s Children, Safeguarding God’s People. Until the Diocese of Newark is able to revise and update its policies and requirements, the suggested course requirements from the Episcopal Church are being used.
The new material is organized differently than what has been available previously, so please read the following information carefully.

Who needs to take the training?
Most leaders and workers, in whatever capacity, will need to take a range of training. This training is sufficient for five years and then will need to be renewed.
Clergy, Diocesan Staff, Church Staff, Camp Staff, School Staff, those who have a pastoral relationship to adults (Worship Leaders, Eucharistic Visitors, Stephen Ministers, Small Group Leaders), all those who work with children and youth (Children’s Minister, Sunday School Teacher, Acolyte Leader, Children’s Choir Director, Nursery Worker, Youth Minister, Confirmation Mentor, Camp Counselor, Day Camp Counselor, VBS Volunteer, Sleepover Chaperones, etc.), and those who are in an elected position (Vestry, Warden, Treasurer, Convention Deputies, elected or appointed Diocesan positions) need to take these Safe Church, Safe Communities modules:
- Introduction & Theological Background
- Organizational Rules and Policies
- Healthy Boundaries
- Power & Relationships
- Abuse & Neglect
- Inclusion
- Pastoral Relationships
- Preventing Sexual Harassment (2 options: for Managers & Supervisors, if you are clergy or in a supervisory role; otherwise for Workers)
- Bullying
- Mandated Reporter
Key holders (Altar Guild members, Building Hosts, Renters) need to take the following Safe Church, Safe Communities modules, unless also in one of the roles listed above:
- Introduction & Theological Background
- Organizational Rules and Policies
- Healthy Boundaries
- Mandated Reporter

How do I take the training?
All modules are available online on Praesidium Academy and may be taken at any time. The modules are each fairly brief. If all modules are taken, the total time is approximately 3 hours.
Please have your clergy or wardens identify an individual who will act as the administrator of the online program. This person will be responsible for registering participants and monitoring compliance. Then notify Randy Johnson. He will communicate with the administrator with instructions and support material to get started.

Questions? Contact: