Our Ministries
The Diocese of Newark’s ministries are aligned with our mission to follow Jesus Christ through bold acts of justice, peace, and love, and our vision of a world transformed, where all creation knows God’s life-changing love.
Explore our ministries below.

Adult Formation
Education for Ministry (EfM) builds the foundations of Christian life through study of the Bible, Church history, and religious and moral issues.
Anti-Racism Commission
Provides a safe space for congregations and individuals to learn the skills needed to tackle the issue of racism in their lives and their faith communities.
Anti-Sexism Task Force
Addresses sexism and misogyny by providing Anti-Sexism Training – the first developed in The Episcopal Church – and monitoring and reporting on the status of women clergy in the diocese.
Commission on Aging
Helps the diocese and its congregations establish ministries which both celebrate the involvement of aging members in congregation life and respond to their needs.
Commission for Justice and Peace
Working to grow the Beloved Community, in which everyone is cared for absent of poverty, hunger and hate, by providing advocacy and resources.
Cross Roads Camp & Retreat
The ecumenical camp and retreat center of the Diocese of Newark and the NJ Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Food Ministries & Thrift Shops
Many of the churches in our diocese offer food ministries and thrift shops.
Hispanic/Latino Ministry
Works to provide the Diocese of Newark with an effective model for multilingual and multi-ethnic ministry in Northern New Jersey.
Prison Ministry
Advocates for restorative justice and healing for prisoners and supports children of incarcerated parents.
Racial History Committee
Gathers, preserves, and explores the stories, experiences, perspectives, and complexities of race relations between and among Episcopalians in Northern New Jersey.
Racial Justice and Healing Commission
Striving for racial justice and healing by working to create a Beloved Community where all people are valued and treated with dignity and respect.
Youth Ministry
Works to invite, inspire, affirm, and equip youth in grades 6-12 as disciples of Jesus Christ and leaders in their communities, and support youth leaders.