Youth Ministry

The Diocesan Youth Commission (DYC) encourages and supports youth leaders, local parishes, and regional ministry networks in their ministry to youth in grades 6-12, and works to invite, inspire, affirm, and equip youth as disciples of Jesus Christ and as leaders in their communities.

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Cross Roads Camp & Retreat

Cross Roads is the ecumenical camp and retreat center of the Diocese of Newark and the NJ Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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Commission on Aging

The mission of the Commission on Aging is to help the diocese and its congregations establish ministries which both celebrate the involvement of aging members in congregation life and respond to the needs of aging members.

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Bible Study

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year theological education program.

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Hispanic/Latino Ministry

Our vision is to provide the Episcopal Diocese of Newark with an effective model for multilingual and multi-ethnic ministry.

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Food Ministries & Thrift Shops

Many of the churches in our diocese offer food ministries and thrift shops.

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Social Justice Ministries

In 2021, Bishop Hughes announced the formation of three new diocesan groups: the Racial History Committee, the Racial Justice and Healing Commission, and the Commission for Justice and Peace. These groups join the Anti-Racism Commission, formerly known as Namaste, in forming a fulsome approach to justice ministry in our diocese. In this video, the co-leaders of these four justice ministry groups provide an update, describing their purpose, their plans going forward, and how congregations can get involved and support their work.

Anti-Racism Commission

The mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark’s Commission on Justice and Peace is to grow the Beloved Community, a community in which everyone is cared for absent of poverty, hunger and hate.

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Commission for Justice and Peace

The mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark’s Commission on Justice and Peace is to grow the Beloved Community, a community in which everyone is cared for absent of poverty, hunger and hate.

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Racial History Committee

The Racial History Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark gathers, preserves, and explores the stories, experiences, perspectives, and complexities of race relations between and among Episcopalians in northern New Jersey.

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Racial Justice and Healing Commission

The Vision of the Racial Justice and Healing Commission is to live in God’s love by creating a beloved community where all people are valued and treated with dignity and respect as we strive for racial justice and healing.

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Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry advocates for restorative justice, interfaith programs, and personal healing for prisoners, their families, and communities.

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Anti-Sexism Task Fore

The Anti-Sexism Task Force (ASTF) was created by resolution 144AC-R04 “Breaking the Episcopal Stained Glass Ceiling” at the 144th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Newark.

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Get Involved

If you’d like to get involved in this ministry, or any of our other ministries, contact us today.