Feature Stories
Honoring the call to act justly, love kindly, and walk humbly: Resources to address creation care and environmental racism

Within The Episcopal Church, the Office of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care addresses the ‘Triple Emergency/Triple Urgency’ threat that falls at the intersection of climate change, poverty & inequality, and biodiversity loss. TEC offers numerous resources and practical ways individuals and congregations can act now to address these issues.
The Episcopal Covenant for Creation Care [PDF] can be shared digitally with members and printed to post within your church. The user-friendly table provides strategies for individuals and congregations.
Earth Day falls on Monday, April 22. You can celebrate by taking the Pledge to Care for Creation.
Moving Forward – A Guide to Building Momentum on Climate Solutions in Your Congregation and Community [PDF] is a valuable resource on reducing energy and identifies actions to build resilient communities.
The Office also promotes several partner organizations that provide guest speakers, offer collaborative educational and faith based on-line programs, and maintain social media postings
- Creation Justice Ministries
- ecoAmerica
- Blessed Tomorrow
- One Home One Future
- Episcopal Ecological Network [Facebook Group]
- GreenFaith
- Interfaith Power & Light
- Good News Gardens
If your congregation has a ‘Loving Formation’ Creation Care story to tell, the Office of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care would love you to share it using this online form.
What is good has been explained to you, man; this is what Yahweh asks of you: only this, to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God. – Micah 6:8