Ways to Give

Alleluia Fund for Outreach
The diocesan Alleluia Fund for Outreach is anchored in the belief that all of us together can spread the incredible love of Jesus.
Diocesan Annual Fund
Your unrestricted gift supports key strategic ministries of the Diocese of Newark and provides the greatest flexibility for the diocese to respond to critical issues, launch new initiatives and help those in need.
The Bishop’s Circle
An innovative fund to advance the Episcopal Church in Northern New Jersey.
Bishop’s Church Emergency Fund
The BCEF provides financial support for church buildings in the diocese needing repairs and renovation, usually with a special focus on emergency and unforeseen needs.
Make a Gift of Stock
Gifts to the Diocese of Newark in the form of stocks or mutual funds that have appreciated in value may be especially attractive to you under the current tax laws.
Planned Giving
Let us help you tailor your charitable gift to your financial, charitable, or estate planning objectives.
Do you have questions about how to donate?
Contact our Missioner for Stewardship and Legacy Giving.