Commission on Ministry
The Commission on Ministry (COM) assists individuals who would like to discern their possible call to the diaconate or the priesthood and works with individuals who enter the formal process towards ordination.
In addition, the COM seeks to support the ministry of the laity and hopes to develop resources and conduct workshops intended to assist lay persons identify and strengthen their ministries.
In early 2021, the COM began a revisioning and restructuring process, with the intention that it function as one body rather than separate committees on the priesthood and the diaconate. A small team was appointed that reviewed the entire End to End Discernment to Ordination process for both Diaconal and Priestly tracks, beginning from Aspirant through Ordination. After an exhaustive review and careful consideration of the needs of those who are in the discernment process, comprehensive recommendations were made and adopted by the diocese for implementation.
In 2023, a revised Discernment Process was introduced to the diocese that initially updated the Diaconal and Priesthood processes. The forms for the ordination process have been updated as has the document “Guidelines and Requirements for Priestly Ordination.” The Diaconal Guidelines will be updated in 2024 and a process for Intentional Lay Ministry discernment will be added in 2024.
An additional resource that has opened in May 2024 is the Diocese of Newark School for Ministry which will provide training for intentional licensed lay ministries and formation for the Diaconate.
Note: It is our policy in the Diocese of Newark not to discuss our ordination process as it relates to specific individuals, as all proceedings are confidential.
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